Let us begin:
1.Medscape- Not less than any textbook when it comes to authentication.Medscape consists of Medical articles,Drugs,Diseases and a lot more .Everything for medical student is here.From overview of a disease to its complications ,everything is mentioned in a systematic manner.I strongly suggest you to use Medscape.
2.MSD Manual - MSD Manual is very similar to Medscape but in a very concise form.You will love to look MSD every day for your daily queries during Clinical Postings in the wards.
3.Pubmed - Everything and everything at one place when you want a deep vision into some approaches.
4.TeachmeAnatomy-Bored of your textbooks and having difficulties understanding relations.Just visit TeachmeAnatomy and enjoy Anatomy.You will be glad that you visited this site.
5.PhysiologyGuru-In my journey of physiology,this app helped me a lot.Dr Vivek is tutor here.He really has amazing concepts that these textbooks fail to convey This one is link to download this app in android.For ios,download here IOSAPP
Lets talk about some good youtube channels that medical students must subscribe.
1.Dr. Najeeb lectures-When he teaches a topic ,there is a magic .You understand everything.Everything means everything plus his lectures become funny sometimes with his jokes.
2.MEDCRAM-When you are bored of studying ,this channel will help to utilise that time by its videos on different topics.
3.OneMinuteMedicalSchool- This channel is a wonder beacuse of its one minute videos that makes impact not less than hour of lectures.Just one minute and you know the stuffs.Is not it great?