General Surgery-Surgery MCQS on Trauma Management,Blood transfusion,Shock,Hemorrhage,Wound healing,SIRS,Shock

1.Which one of the following is true about delayed primary suturing? 

a. It is done immediately within 6 hours.

b. It is done on lacerated wounds.

c. Once infection subsides and healthy granulation tissue formed, delayed primary suturing is done.

d. Suturing the wound within 10 to 14 days later is delayed primary suturing.

2.Proliferative phase of wound healing includes except, *

a. Fibroblastic activity increases.

b. Growth of new blood vessels and capillary takes place.

c. Maturation of collagen takes place.

d. Re-epithelization of wound surface occurs.

3.Carbuncle is caused by, *

a. Staphylococcus aureus

b. Streptococcus pyogens

c. Actinomyces

d. Clostridium species

4.Systemic inflammatory response syndrome includes *

a. Hyperthermia (>38˚F) or hypothermia (<36˚F)

b. Tachycardia (>90/ min ) and tachypnea (>20/min)

c. WBC count > 12000/mm3 or< 4000/mm3

d. All of the above

5.Most common complication following surgical procedure is *

a. Surgical site infection

b. Wound dehiscence

c. Post-operative pneumonia

d. Leakage

6.3rd degree burn includes *

a. Epidermis + superficial dermis

b. Epidermis + dermis

c. Underlying muscles

d. Only epidermis

7.35 years old female, presented with multiple episodes of diarrhea and vomiting. Her BP is 80/60, PR is 90; the patient is in *

a. Septic shock

b. Cardiogenic shock

c. Hypovolemic shock

d. Neurogenic shock

8.Which of the following is true for the shock? *

a. Hypotension

b. Hypoxia

c. Hypoperfusion to the tissues

d. All of the above

9.Shock will lead to *

a. Hypokalemia

b. Hyperkalemia

c. Lactic acidosis

d. Both b and c

10.Most common blood transfusion reaction is *

a. Febrile non-hemolytic reaction

b. Coagulation failure

c. Hypothermia

d. Infections

11.Maximum life for transfused RBC is *

a. 120 days

b. 70 days

c. 60 days

d. 50 days

12.Hemorrhage occurring after 24 hours of surgery is called *

a. Primary hemorrhage

b. Reactionary hemorrhage

c. Secondary hemorrhage

d. All of the above

13.Increased anion gap is seen in *

a. Lactic acidosis

b. Diarrhoea

c. Hyperchloremic acidosis

d. GIT fistula

14.True regarding the yellow colour in triage is *

a. Immediate treatment is required

b. Urgent treatment is required

c. Expectant treatment is required

d. Delayed treatment is required

15.FAST stands for *

a. Focused assessment with sonography for trauma

b. Focused abdominal sonography for trauma

c. Fast assessment with sonography for trauma

d. Fast assignment with sonography for trauma

16.Most common site of lipoma is *

a. Nape of the neck

b. Axilla

c. Limbs

d. Buttocks

17.True regarding flap is *

a. Transfer of donor tissue without its blood supply to the recipient area

b. Transfer of donor tissue with its blood supply the recipient area

c. It is the commonest method of achieving wound cover

d. It is the transplantation of living cells, tissues or organs from one species to another

18.True about ulcerative colitis with malignancy *

a. It has a better prognosis

b. It is related to disease activity

c. It is related to the duration of ulcerative colitis

d. Malignancy is more in anorectal ulcerative colitis

19.Meckel’s diverticulitis most offen occurs in the *

a. Proximal jejunam

b. Distal jejunam

c. Proximal ileum

d. Distal ileum

20.A 60 years old male presented with central pain abdomen of sudden onset, vomiting and unable to pass stool nor flatus since 36 hours. On examination, abdomen is soft and non tender. Likely diagnosis is *

a. Small bowel obstruction

b. Large bowel obstruction

c. Perforated peritonitis

d. Volvulus

21.Most common type of hernia in young age group is *

a. Femoral hernia

b. Direct inguinal hernia

c. Indirect inguinal hernia

d. Umbilical hernia

22.Charcot triad includes except *

a. Pain

b. Fever

c. Jaundice

d. Vomiting

23.The following is not true of postgastrectomy syndromes: *

a. The anaemia can be corrected with ascorbic acid supplements.

b.The risk of gastric cancer in the long term is increased.

c. Sweating and palpitations can be due to hyperglycemia.

D. Biliary gastritis in the gastric remnant is common.

24.The following clinical features are associated with coeliac disease: * 


b. Weight loss.

c. Vomiting.

d . Diarrhea.

25.The following is true of Crohn's disease: *

a.C-reactive protein mimics inflammatory activity.

B .Normal albumin indicates remission.

c. Large bowel barium enema is the most definitive radiological test.

d. A small bowel biopsy is not helpful in making the diagnosis.

26.Which of the following GI condition is not associated with microcytic hypochromic anaemia

a.Acute duodenal ulceration.

b.Ankylostoma duodenale.

c. Terminal ileitis due to Crohn's disease.

d.Carcinoma of caecum

27.The following drugs can be used for treatment of GERD: *


b .Amoxycillin.

c. Erythromycin.

d. Metoclopramide

28.Which of the following is not dependent on bile salts for its absorption: *

a. Vitamin A.

b Vitamin B.

c. Vitamin D.

d. Vitamin K.





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