Internal medicine mcqs for NEET PG 2021

1.Diagnosis of Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis based on ascitic fluid PMN count *

a. ˃ 100/mm3

b. ˃ 150/mm3

c. ˃ 200/mm3

d. ˃ 250/mm3

2.The normal portal venous pressure is: *

a. 3 – 5 mm hg

b. 5 – 10 mm hg

c. 10 – 15 mm hg

d. 15 – 20 mm hg

3.The most common cause of cushing’s syndrome is *

a. Prolonged use of glucocorticoids

b. Adrenal neoplasia

c. Prolonged use of ACTH

d. Pituitary-hypothalamic dysfunction

4.Most sensitive and specific test for diagnosis of Iron deficiency anemia is: *

a. Serum Iron levels

b. Serum Ferritin levels

c. Serum Transferrrin levels

d. Total Iron Binding Capacity

5.Which of the following causes Microcytic hypochromic Anemia? *

a. Lead poisoning

b. Skill cell anemia

c. Fanconi’s anemia

d. Hereditary spherocytosis

6.Thrombocytopenia is not seen in: *

a. Henoch scholein purpura

b. DIC

c. Leukemia

d. Metastasis

7.Stony dull note on percussion is characteristic of : *

a. Consolidation

b. Pleural Effusion

c. Pleurisy

d. Fibrosis

8.HBV is a *

a. DNA virus

b. RNA virus

c. Pox virus

d. Retro virus

9.A blood film is reported as follows: Howell-Jolly bodies, target cells and occasional Pappenheimer bodies are seen *

a. Post-splenectomy

b. Iron Deficiency Anemia

c. Myelofibrosis

d. Sideroblastic Anemia

10.What is the first line antibiotic in the treatment of Shigella dysentery? *

a. Flucloxacillin

b. Ciprofloxacin

c. Metronidazole

d. Ampicillin

11.A 23-year-old man has a Mantoux test prior to receiving the BCG vaccine. He develops a 12 mm indurated lesion on his forearm. Which one of the following cytokines is most involved in this response? *

a. Interferon- Gamma

b. Interferon-Alpha

c. Interferon-Delta

d. IL-08

e. IL-10

12.Which of the following infections usually has the longest incubation period? *

a. Typhoid

b. Diptheria

c. Influenza

d. Meningococcus

13.A 39-year-old man with HIV is admitted due to shortness of breath. Chest x-ray shows bilateral pulmonary infiltrates and Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia is suspected. What type of staining should be applied to the bronchoalveolar lavage to demonstrate the organism? *

a. Silver stain

b. Pearls stain

c. Congo Stain

d. Rose Bengal

14.A 43-year-old Asian man presents with headache and neck stiffness. CT brain is normal and a lumbar puncture is performed with the following results Serum glucose 4.7 mmol/l Lumbar PunctureOpening pressure: 15 cm CSF Appearance: Cloudy Glucose: 3.3 mmol/L Protein: 0.7g/lWhite cells 100/mm3What is most likely diagnosis? *

a. Bacterial meningitis

b. Viral meningitis

c. Tubercular meningitis

d. Normal CSF

15.Loud first heart sound is heard in: *

a. Mitral Valve Prolapse

b. Calcified Mitral Valve

c. Mitral Regurgitation

d. Mitral Stenosis

16.Pulsusparadoxus is associated with: *

a. PDA

b. Cardiac Tamponade

c. ASD

d. Pericardial Effusion

17.The normal axis of ECG in adult male is: *

a. -30 to +30

b. -30 to +110

c. -0 to +110

d. -0 to +90

18.Notching of ribs in a chest xray is a characteristic in: *

a. TOF

b. ASD

c. PDA

d. Coarctation of aorta

19.Volume of air taken into the lungs in normal respiration is known as: *

a. Vital Capacity

b. Tidal Volume

c. Minute Volume

d. Forced Vital Capaciy

20.Respiratory Acidosis is seen with: *

a. Diabetic Ketoacidosis

b. Pneumonia

c. Emphysema

d. Phenytoin

21.Bulging fissure sign is characteristic of pneumonia due to: *

a. Anaerobic Bacteria

b. Mycoplasma

c. Pseudomonas

d. Klebsiella





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