What is the cause of Jaundice?

In this article,we are going to talk about jaundice.lets get into our topic of jaundice. How can we define jaundice?

Jaundice is yellowish discoloration of skin,mucus membrane and sclera due to increased bilirubin in our blood that is hyperbilirubinemia. Normal serum level of bilirubin is upto 1 mg/dl .It can rise upto 1-2 mg/dl without clinical signs and symptoms called as latent jaundice.Overt jaundice is clinically detected jaundice which is when bilirubin is more than 2mg/dl.

Jaundice is classified into pre-hepatic,hepatic and post-hepatic Jaundice.Pre hepatic jaundice is when liver is not involved.Bilirubin comes from Red blood cell.

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