How is diabetes diagnosed?

Diabetes is a disease condition when body is unable to produce or utilize produced insulin from pancreas.This lead to accumulation of glucose in blood called as hyperglycemia.Chronic hyperglycemia has deleterious effect on different tissue system including Cardiovascular system,renal,ocular and neurological tissues.


1.Type 1 Diabetes-It usually occurs at young age.It is due to auto-immune reaction which means that body itself starts destroying beta cells of pancreas.This lead to little or no production of insulin ultimately.

2.Type 2 Diabetes- It is usually diagnosed at

adulthood.This condition arises when body is unable to utilize produced insulin.That means the insulin is being produced in normal amount but the tissues are resistant to them.It develops over many years .Until recently this was seen in adults only but now cases of type 2 diabetes in young ages are increasing.

3.Gestational Diabetes-It occurs to pregnant women who were not diabetic before pregnancy.This will resolve after the delivery of baby.However it increases the risk of diabetes in both child and mother after delivery.


1.Increased frequency of  urination

2.Increased thirst

3.Increased hunger

4.Loss of body weight

5.Tingling sensations in hand or feet


7.Blurring of vision

8.Recurrent infections

9.Delayed wound healing


Blood glucose level is checked to diagnose diabetes.Doctor check blood glucose level of individual who show symptoms of diabetes or complications of diabetes.Fasting blood glucose level (after over-night fast) if more than 125 mg/dl indicates diabetes.Random blood sugar level (it does not matter you have eaten or not) if more than 200 mg/dl indicates diabetes.


Uncontrolled diabetes can lead to stroke,heart failure,blindness,kidney disease and limb amputation. 

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