SHAPU (Seasonal Hyperacute Pan-uveitis) EYE DISEASE in Nepal

Around 34 patients of SHAPU(Seasonal hyper-acute panuveitis) has been reported in pokhara since one month.SHAPU has not been reported outside Nepal until now.The prevalence of disease is highest in Pokhara , from where the disease has originated in 1975.Most of the cases are reported in end of monsoon season (August-September).Only timely treatment can prevent blindless.

SHAPU is a rare entity occurring in odd years since 1975 in Nepal.It is increasing at an alarming rate in Gandaki province since beginning of this september.It mostly affects child of 5 to 15 years of age.It can rapidly cause destructive intra-ocular inflammation.It can progress to blindness if not treated.The etiology of SHAPU is not clear yet but it has strong associations with Gazalina moth.The dust on scale of the moth when comes in contact with eyes can cause damage to retina and pupil.Studies are being done to find out if SHAPU is due to auto-immune response to the moth antigens or by pathogens delivered by moth. Characteristics features of SHAPU are red eye,leukocoria,fibrinous exudates in anterior chamber and inability to dilate pupil with little or no pain.No standard treatment protocol has been developed against SHAPU till now.So to cover both infectious and immunological aspects,broad spectrum antibiotics and steroids are used for its treatment.Vitrectomy has been considered a useful procedure for treatment of SHAPU.

The fact that it commonly affects children is not well understood.The blame can be given to their low immunity than adult but no proof of state of immunocompromised has been found till date.

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